Since the beginning of the the Statistics and Probability African Society, we face majors challenges. To hightlight them, we beging by describing the normal functioning of a Scholar Society.
Almost everywhere in the world and in some places in Africa, South Africa for example, there are a great number of national mathematical societies, for exemple American Mathematical Society, Socite Française de Statistiques (French Society of Statistics), Australian Mathematical Society, etc.. There also are regional and/or continental societies as : European Mathematical Society, Asian Mathematical Society, etc. As well, ew have succesful international societies and institutes The International Institute of Statistics, The Institute of Mathematical Statistique, The Bernoulli Society.
All these societies and institute are working rather well through the following activities at least
To work well, they may count, at least, on
Ab contrarion, such success ralrely occur in Africa for the lach of the supports described above:
It is a fact that only a few of national societies in Africa have the means to run reglarly and continuously, as well all relations programs like annual meetings and journals and books publication. On the contiental level, the African Mathematical Union is working as gathering the national societies. It weaknesses are those these societies. Fortunately, the AMU is wirking and trying to push up all mathematics activities.
As a result of our remark below, it could not be expected that the SPASSPAS gets fundings from membership fees from African colleagues or from African goverments or institutes. The lack of financial involvement excluded de facto a governance based on elected council for ruling it. The only way left was the volunteering of engaged scholors to launch it and run it.
Actually, SPASSPAS, created in 1996 by Professor Gane Samb Lo, has been functioning until now as a non-profit organization. For 27 years, Prof Lo has been managing the SPASSPAS and all of its projects with the means provided by the Gaston Berger University (Saint-Louis, Senegal). He was accompmied by many colleagues from all Africa, each of them being active for some years. See our historySPAS for an acknowledgment of the support of these colleagues. Let us summarize the key elements of the governance of the SPASSPAS so far